Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm



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Amanda, her Mum and Sister bought me a Drone for Christmas 2017.  It was rather sophisticated to fly and took time for it to become second nature.  A second was purchased with a professional 4k camera, but had a tendency to drop out of the sky. My third is a Mavic 2 Pro with a 9 mile range (adapted), wind stability software, 4k camera with filters etc. We have flown in Arizona, New Mexico, Colarado, Utah, California, Alabama & Virginia so far.

Drone photography

July 2020: We purchased a professional drone that includes a 4K resolution camera for broadcast quality stock-shots of places with scientific interest. If a TV company chooses the shot, we get paid - for having fun. We already get paid for stock-images. 

Astronomy Roadshow Observatory Project in Apache County, Arizona, USA