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A well was drilled out during the 1970's on this property. It had a 6" bore hole and was lined with a metal casing. The bottom 30ft or so has many holes punched in it to allow water to flow through. As it wasn't required at the time, the top was sealed off with a welded cap. Without its own water supply, the land would be almost worthless. Our friend Doug, is the chap on the right. The two guys are Navajo descendants and have their own business carrying out unusual jobs such as this (Not a great deal of regard to health and safety here), at least that gets the job done.

The completed system now looks like this.

Astronomy Roadshow Observatory Project in Apache County, Arizona, USA

The pump was replaced with a heavier duty 110v / 0.5 horse power system as of April 2018. It produces 5 gallons of water a minute.

water supply